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We say

Philanthropy Advisors in the Press

Take a look at what we write on #Philanthropy, #ImpactPhilanthropy #HumanitarianAid, #CSR... and more!

Through our humanitarian work first and philanthropic consulting services later, we at Philanthropy Advisors have had the chance to look at the philanthropic sector from both ends of the spectrum: the donors and the beneficiaries. This priviledged position allows us to have a critical eye on issues regarding humanitarian aid, private sector intervention, CSR, and more. Here, we share our humble opionion on these topics and the latest trends, hoping to start new and exciting constructive discussions that can benefit and raise the bar of the whole sector!

Take a look.. and tell us what you think!

Global Initiative to Transform Impact of Research and Innovation for World’s Most Vulnerable

March 3rd, 2022 | Philanthropy Advisors

How far can the banks go on their own?

June 1st, 2015 | Alliance Magazine By Eric BERSETH

Nepal: the road to hell is paved with good intentions

May 8th, 2015 | Alliance Magazine By Eric BERSETH and Vincent MUDRY

La route de l’enfer népalais est pavée de bonnes intentions

May 3rd, 2015 | Le Temps Par Eric BERSETH et Vincent MUDRY

Le lien social, un atout stratégique?

April 1st, 2015 | Apent Magazine

L’intérêt commun

March 1st, 2015 | French Touch Magazine Par Annah CAMUS

Débroussaillons… Le développement

December 8th, 2014 | CERCOOP Par Vincent MUDRY